Feb 24, 2021 | Auto Injuries, Chiropractic, Insurance, Neck
Hi, I am Dr. Erik Slovin, from DrSlovin.com. I am a chiropractic physician specializing in non-drug treatment for injuries that come from auto accidents and slip and falls. Today, I wanted to talk about how to protect yourself from damaging your neck in a car...
Feb 17, 2021 | Chiropractic, Physio, Therapy, Uncategorized, Work Injury
Kinky Neck? 5 Tips to Get Rid of That Neck Pain Is there a kink in your neck you’ve been trying to work out? Looking for a way to relieve neck stiffness without hours of therapy? It’s winter, and that cold weather isn’t exactly relaxing for your achy neck muscles. In...
Feb 10, 2021 | Chiropractic, Physio, Therapy, Uncategorized
We all have them – friends, colleagues, and family members who dish out back pain self-care advice as if they are expert healers. They mean well, most of them, but there’s a lot of junk advice out there. I’ll tackle some of the worst back pain self-care advice anyone...
Feb 4, 2021 | Chiropractic, Physio, Work Injury
Just like with any profession, there are always The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly when talking about medical professionals. While all of us may have our proper licensure, it is the little things that can make a good doctor great, and a bad doctor someone who you should...