Had an Accident? What Type of Doctor do you Need?

By Dr. Slovin
June 3, 2021

Had an Accident? What Type of Doctor do you Need?

For accident injuries, the type of doctor you see will depend on the extent of your injuries.  

One of three things will happen after an accident: 

  1. You walk away without any injuries, 
  2. You sustain mild-to-moderate injuries that require a visit to urgent care or a trip to your primary care doctor’s office, or 
  3. You suffer serious injuries that require ambulance or life-flight transportation for emergency care. 

In any case, it’s important to understand how the medical process works in personal injury cases, so you know what to expect and can ask the right questions.  

Type of Doctor to See When it IS an Emergency

If your injuries are severe and someone at the scene says you need to go to the hospital, listen to them. Try to remember that you are likely in shock after an accident, so it’s best not to drive anywhere, and follow the guidance of Norwalk’s first responders

If you experience any of the below symptoms, your accident injuries need immediate medical attention.  

  • Dizziness
  • Confusion 
  • Weakness
  • Profuse bleeding
  • Severe pain 
  • Shortness of breath
  • Head injury 
  • Neck or back injury
  • If you had any loss of consciousness, even if briefly
  • Deep cuts or lacerations
  • Broken bones

In this case, you’ll be treated in the emergency room. If you have a medical doctor you commonly see, they will be contacted and be responsible for coordinating your care with other medical specialists. If you don’t have a primary care doctor, the hospital will refer one, but you may also consult with specialists while in the emergency room or hospital. 

When Your Accident Injury IS NOT an Emergency

When there are mild-to-moderate injuries, you may not need to go to the emergency room. Instead, you’d go to an urgent care center or schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor. Even if you don’t think you have an injury, it’s best to follow up with your doctor because some problems—like internal bleeding and whiplash symptoms—can be “silent” for a few days before worsening suddenly.   

Why See Your Primary Care Doctor After An Accident

Your primary care doctor is your liaison into the complicated work of personal injury medicine. Your physician is the best person for this job because they’re going to know the most about you and be able to take a 40,000-foot view of your condition. Then, they can start sending you to medical specialists for consultations.   

At the specialist’s office, you’ll undergo a few studies, exams, and tests to give the doctor or surgeon an idea of what they can do to help you heal. They then send those recommendations to the primary care doctor, who communicates with your lawyer and the insurance companies to coordinate your care.

What Type of Specialists Will I See?

The medical specialists you see will depend on the extent and type of your injuries, but some of the most common include: 

  1. Chiropractor
  2. Orthopedic surgeon
  3. Radiologist
  4. Trauma surgeon
  5. Burn specialist
  6. Neurology or neurosurgery
  7. General surgery for any internal injuries
  8. Plastic surgeon
  9. Physical, vocational, or occupational therapists

No matter the injury, you’ll want to see a chiropractor who specializes in accident injuries like whiplash, long-term neck pain, and back injuries.  

At Slovin Chiropractic Center, we know how complicated things get, and we do what we can to make it easier for you. We work closely with local doctors, personal injury attorneys, and providers across multiple specialties to provide complete care for our patients. If you have any questions about our process or how we can help you, please give us a call. If you’re ready to start working toward a treatment plan, let’s get you on the schedule!


Gacovino Lake: What type of doctor should I see after a car accident?

Law Offices of Bryan Musgrove: What doctor to see?

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