News & Resources

How Do Chiropractic Adjustments Work? The Simple Secret Behind The Results
Chiropractic adjustments offer a myriad of health benefits, the most prominent being pain relief. Chiropractic is well-known for addressing back and neck pain, improving joint mobility, and alleviating discomfort from chronic conditions like osteoarthritis....
5 Facts About Chiropractic Treatment
Are you feeling your age lately? Pain, stiffness, and a general inability to tackle day-to-day activities may seem like just part of the aging process. Chiropractic care has been practiced for over a century and is an effective method for dealing with neuromuscular...
Why Do Chiropractic Adjustments Feel So Good?
Chiropractic adjustments can often lead to a feeling of profound relief and well-being, with many patients reporting an immediate sense of relaxation and decreased pain. This positive sensation is primarily due to the release of tension in the muscles and joints, the...
The Surprising Connection: How High Blood Pressure Can Trigger Debilitating Headaches
Are you one of the millions of people who suffer from debilitating headaches? If so, you may be surprised to learn that high blood pressure could be a contributing factor. While most people associate high blood pressure with heart disease and strokes, it's important...
STOP “CRACKING” YOUR OWN NECK! Tips from Your Chiropractor
"Cracking" your own neck may feel satisfying and provide temporary relief, but it's essential to understand the potential risks and consequences involved. As a chiropractor, I often encounter patients who have developed a habit of self-adjusting their necks. In this...
5 Ways to Eliminate Morning Pain
5 Ways to Eliminate Morning Pain Tired of waking up stiff and sore all the time? Don't let aches and pains get in your way - break free from suffering with just a few simple changes to your daily routine! Small adjustments can make an enormous difference, transforming...
5 Posture Positions That Are Killing You, And How to Avoid Them
5 Posture Positions That Are Killing You, And How to Avoid Them Do you often find yourself slouching in your chair, or hunching over your computer? If so, you're not alone. Many people adopt bad posture without even realizing it. This can lead to long-term health...