Treating Sciatica Pain and Hunchback the Gonstead Way
Sciatica pain is generally confined to the lower back; however, it affects the entire spine. Many vertebrae in the upper and mid-back will move out of place, turn around, or swell because of low back pain that causes you to hunch your shoulders and back for long periods.
What is Kyphosis, and What Causes it?
Kyphosis is the medical term for a hunchback. It’s an outward curvature of the mid to upper spine and is frequently accompanied by pain and discomfort about the humped appearance. The cause of kyphosis could be hereditary, the result of trauma or disease, or poor posture. Most of the time, it’s due to poor posture, trauma, or disease.
As Gonstead chiropractors in Norwalk, we see a lot of patients with sciatica pain and hunchback. If it’s due to bad posture, we can get the spine back to its proper alignment. If it’s due to disease, trauma, or present since birth, our Gonstead chiropractic techniques can help reduce and manage symptoms safely, noninvasively, and effectively.
What is Sciatica, and What Causes the Pain?
The sciatic nerve starts in your lower back and travels down your hips, buttocks, leg, and feet. This important nerve makes actions like sitting, running, walking, lifting, standing, and climbing possible.
The causes of sciatica pain are usually:
· Spinal bone spurs (hard, smooth bumps of extra bone)
· Herniated disc
· Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the canal in which the nerve passes)
How Gonstead Adjustments Treat Sciatica Pain and Hunchback
There are five components to receiving a Gonstead adjustment:
1. We’ll do an x-ray if there’s a suspected injury.
2. Palpation is where your chiropractor physically feels the spine to look for swelling and abnormalities.
3. Instrumentation is when I’ll use a Nervoscope to compare bilateral temperatures, helping me find those specific areas of inflammation and muscle spasm.
4. Visualization is when your chiropractor watches your body’s movements while walking and performing simple actions and your position while sitting and standing still.
5. Symptomatology is the study of symptoms. Gonstead chiropractors use this to understand your whole body better. To perform adequate treatment, we need to consider every symptom you’re experiencing, including things that may seem unrelated, such as sleep disturbances, menstrual problems, sexual dysfunction, extreme fatigue, and constipation.
During the visualization and palpation stages of your treatment, your Gonstead chiropractor can see and feel the areas of inflammation, pain, stiffness, and numbness around the affected vertebrae down the length of the entire spine.
When there’s significant swelling, I’ll ice and repair the disc before moving onto the adjustment. That means when discs are significantly rotated, moved, or misaligned, I’ll perform specific techniques to repair that disc before performing the more intense adjustment.
Note, this can be a painful process, but it’s a temporary discomfort that’ll provide significant relief. Sometimes, following the adjustment of a severely misaligned vertebra, I’ll place an ice pack on the area to help the “angry nerves” calm down.
Kyphosis caused by sciatica pain is a condition we regularly treat at Slovin Chiropractic Center. We’re committed to the Gonstead technique because it’s proven effective, safe, and noninvasive. It’s a far cry from other methods like spinal manipulation. Manipulation is a generic treatment, kind of like performing exploratory surgery for a persistent stomachache. Manipulation doesn’t identify the origin of the problem, so symptoms are more likely to return.
If you’re ready to change the way you move, make an appointment with a Gonstead chiropractor in Norwalk today.
· YouTube: *HUNCHING OVER* From PAIN Helped with Gonstead Chiropractic
· YouTube: Hunched over in pain HELPED by Dr Suh Gonstead Chiropractor
· How Chiropractic Helps Patients Who Suffer From Kyphosis
· How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer from Sciatica