Dec 15, 2021 | Back, Chiropractic, Neck, Physio, Sleep, Uncategorized
5 Ways to Improve Sleep with a Bulging Disc For most of us, sleep is constantly on our minds. Too much or not enough, the quality of sleep is what matters. With a bulging disc, getting a good rest through the night can sometimes feel...
Nov 3, 2021 | Chiropractic
Can a Chiropractor Help with Pelvic Pain in Women? Sometimes, it feels like there’s a sharp boulder nudging up against the walls of your pelvis and uterine area. Other times, it’s more like a dull pressure that weighs you down. It’s hard to sit,...
Oct 20, 2021 | Chiropractic
Pain from Cramped Spaces: Spinal Stenosis Explained The spinal canal is a freeway; it sends messages to and from the brain to communicate all the body’s systems’ function, performance, and behavior. The channel is an open space down the middle of the...
Oct 13, 2021 | Back, Chiropractic, Extremities, Physio
Sciatica: 10 Things to Know & What to do About it Sciatica is about more than the pain. Actually, it’s not even a medical diagnosis but a symptom of an underlying problem affecting the sciatic nerve. There are a few well-known facts about this back nerve pain you...
Oct 6, 2021 | Chiropractic
Burning Neck Pain: What it is and How to Treat it Burning neck pain feels like hot needles. Sometimes, the pain races into the shoulder, down the arm, and into the hands as well. The burning sensation can result from various injuries and conditions, some of which we...